Macarfi ambassadors

Want to be a Macarfi ambassador?

If you love eating out and sharing your culinary experiences, welcome to Macarfi!

To become an ambassador for our Guide and join a community passionate about fine food and gourmet experiences, just send us a few reviews (no more than 100 words) of restaurants you have visited. You can send them through the website or app.

The ambassadors who send us the most reviews during the course of the year receive rewards for their dedication.

Register to become an ambassador

Authenticity and honesty are the hallmarks of every review we publish

Macarfi ambassadors are lovers of fine food who are curious and enjoy all types of cuisine, from the most traditional to the most innovative.

Over 2,000 people belong to the community of Macarfi ambassadors. Their opinions are essential for the Guide because they provide real and reliable information that forms the basis of our contents and establishment ratings. The Macarfi culinary team merges all the opinions received about each venue into a single review to offer a complete, objective and validated perspective.

Benefits of being a Macarfi ambassador

Being a Macarfi ambassador comes with the following benefits:

  • A sense of pride in belonging to the Macarfi Guide and helping to shape it with your own reviews and opinions.
  • Contributing to the development of different provinces by providing up-to-date information.
  • Active ambassadors receive products from our sponsors as a token of appreciation for their efforts.
  • For every five reviews you send, you get a ticket for our Christmas hamper prize draw. The more reviews you send, the more chances you have of winning it.

Contact us to become an ambassador

Editorial RBA Libros
Juvé & Camps
Natura Bissé Barcelona
Atlantida Travel
Atlantida Travel
Nh Hoteles
Nh Hoteles
Nh Hoteles
Real Caviar
Bizkaiko Txakolina
Hotel Alenxandra
Circulo ecuestre
Cristine Bedfor
Hotel Ercilla
Hotel Embarcadero
Hotel Villa Soro
Casa Sagnier
Hotel Primero primera
Hotel The Principal
Hotel Totem
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